Tuesday 10 May 2016

Recent work in the USA...

Gene DePrez, Managing Partner served as Senior Strategic Advisor in late 2015 to provincial and municipal leaders and mayors in the Toronto Metropolitan Area of Ontario, Canada as they formed a new Regional Foreign Investment Attraction Development Corporation. Global Innovation Partners teamed with Ontario-based Global Investment Attraction Group in the three-month consulting engagement to set a strategic direction based on best practices from across North America. 
Mr. DePrez was also featured at the International Economic Development Council’s Annual Summit held in Anchorage, Alaska in October, speaking on Global Business Location Investment Trends at both a ”Live from Anchorage” global webcast, and moderating the Summit’s closing session.  
DePrez was also invited by IEDC, where he serves as Visiting Senior Fellow to conduct a Best Practices Leadership Roundtable for a select group of international major city-region economic development CEOs as part of IEDC’s 2016 Leadership Summit in New Orleans in late January.
He has also been named to the Professional Site Selector Advisory Board of StateBook International, the first online marketplace for site selection and economic growth and development

In his community service, Mr. DePrez was recently re-elected as Board Chair and President of the Lake Mohawk Preservation Foundation with a mission of improving water quality within the Wallkill River watershed of New Jersey and New York states in the US.